
About Us

"DAO Afghanistan"

The organization provides direct services by way of physical rehabilitation, vocational training and income generation for people with special needs, as well as capacity building of civil society on issues for persons with different abilities. The organization publishes a bi-monthly disability publication called 'Gadoon' in three languages (Pashto, Dari, and English). The publication highlights and speaks about the emerging issues in disability, human rights, health and physical education. DAO has supported 14,480 clients, providing them with 2,800 artificial limbs and 24,160 physiotherapy sessions, and produced 33 issues of the magazine for wide distribution across 28 provinces of Afghanistan. DAO has created employment for and developed a cadre of 820 trained persons with disabilities that are directly involved in service delivery in 19 provinces. DAO produced and telecasted 2,088 radio and TV programs over the past three years on disability related issues. DAO’s main office is located in Kabul which is supported by field offices in Kunar, Nangarhar and Uruzgan provinces.

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