Disability Awareness means educating people regarding disabilities and giving people the knowledge required to carry out a job or task thus separating good practice from poor. It is no longer enough just to know that disability discrimination is unlawful.
For instance disability awareness relates to topics such as a recent paper released by the Council for Disability Awareness that examines the lack of awareness of the risks and the financial burden that an unexpected accident or illness can have on retirement savings. Despite the fact that three in 10 workers entering the workforce today will become disabled before retiring, disability is often overlooked as a threat to long-term financial security.
- Hidden Disability Awareness:
People with hidden disabilities often do not feel like they belong within the disability community because they are not considered to be "disabled enough" to fit into the group.People with hidden disabilities are caught between not being fully accepted as people without disabilities, and not being recognized as having "real" disabilities.
- Disability Awareness Week:
Disability Awareness Week (DAO) continues the tradition of National Access Awareness Week first established in 1988 to promote better community access for people with disabilities.Disability Awareness Week covers all types of disabilities and all age groups in partnerships with any interested supporters. See our List of Awareness Days, Weeks and Months for other observance dates.
DAO provides capacity building activities to the CSOs in Kunar, Laghamn, Nangarhar and Nuristan provinces. These activities include direct training. Community dialogue sessions and resource center providing an opportunity for the visitors to learn more. The capacity building training to Persons with disabilities Organizations (PDOs) Are separate from those organizations as mentioned above. Most recently we have conducted disability awareness training in Panjsher, Kapisa, Kabul, Perwan and Baghlan provinces and will be conducing leadership and Management training very soon for the leaders of persons with disabilities in Kunar and Nuristan.
DAO Afghanistan provides detailed information and facts regarding the rights Persons with disabilities right. Disability is a function or condition that is impaired to the usual standard of a person. Disability is known to be caused by impairments of several subsystems of the human body. Disabled people can suffer from the following impairments such as: Visual impairment, physical impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness and other several types of chronic disease. An impairment is a problem in the body structure or function. A disabled person can also be qualified as disabled if the individual had an impairment in the past or is being seen based on a personal standard.
A disability may be present from an individual’s birth or may also occur during its lifetime. The rights for people with disabilities are very important for their lives. Disabilities are complex difficulties that reflected an interaction between features of the individual’s body and also of the society in which the person lives. There are five types of disabilities which are the following: Physical, Sensory, Intellectual, Developmental, Mental health and emotional disability. Here, at Ratify you will find information related to the rights of disabled people.
- Can a convention on the rights make a difference?
Yes. Once completed, the Convention requires participating countries (called “States Parties” for UN treaties) to periodically report to the U.N. on their progress in implementing and enforcing the treaty obligations. Treaties are a powerful tool, and are used by advocacy groups to monitor, highlight, and promote human rights.
The purpose of the trainings and awareness creation is to ensure that all persons with disabilities in their communities exercise the same rights and obligations as others through capacity building training and transfer of knowledge through which disabled people and their organizations can play a vital role in solving their own problems and can coordinate their efforts for achieving their due rights through peaceful means. Based on our experienced we have gained during the training workshops we are quite sure that the continuation of such workshops will pave the way where disabled people can live in a society that recognizes and highly values of our own lives and dignity, and constantly enhances the process of full participation for all Afghan people with disabilities.
As cultural restrictions do not always allow mixed gender gatherings; therefore DAO plans to encourage female trainers to join
DAO which will provide training to women participants to ensure that this training opportunity will be available to female participants. DAO seeks to ensure that half of the participants are women.
DAO.has completed successful project of women training,capacity building and gender equity.DAO afghanistan stand many women their own foot to support their families.
- Women Vocational Training
- Capacity Building of Women
- Workshop for women Right
- Women Awarness and Education
- Micro Financig For Women
DAO intends to provide small size loans to persons with disabilities enabling them to support themselves and their families through the income they gained. DAO is also planning to provide vocational training for disabled persons so that they could learn a new skill and can gain income through the new skill they have acquired. DAO would like to send it representative to 8th session of the Ad Hoc committee and other international meetings on the rights and socio- economic reintegration of persons with disabilities.